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Under 5s
Bumps & Babes 0-12 months
Whitley Children's Centre 252 Northumberland Ave, ReadingBumps and Babes is a welcoming soft play session for babies 0-1 yrs. The centre provides a lovely variety of soft play toys and equipment for babies to lay, roll…
Tiny Talkers
Whitley Children's Centre 252 Northumberland Ave, ReadingThese sessions will provide you with activities to help support your child’s speech language and development. Tiny Talkers take place at Whitley Children's Centre - every Tuesday 1 pm…
Speech & Language drop-in
Whitley Children's Centre 252 Northumberland Ave, ReadingPlease come along to a speech and language therapy drop in clinic to discuss any concerns you have with your child's speech and language development. This service is for children…
Whitley Library Rhymetime
Whitley Library 252 Northumberland Ave, ReadingRhymetimes are fun sessions for babies, toddlers and their caregivers - come along and join in with nursery rhymes, action songs and much more. Rhymetimes sessions take place at…